Packaging Design, Brand Development, and Branding Case Study Examples
At Catalpha, we have helped countless clients with their marketing strategy and rebranding process. Our approach to client-centric problem solving means no two client engagements are ever the same. To that point, neither are any two of our rebranding case studies.
Below, we offer just a handful of brand marketing case studies profiling our successful rebrands and partnerships. These intend to show how Catalpha approaches brand management partnerships differently.

Genius Gems Branded Packaging Case Study
Genius Gems excels to enrich kids lives by learning through STEM-focused play. At the center of these activities?— magnetic tiles—which needed branded packaging.

Brand Development Case Study: Candy Packaging
Three years ago when the largest buyer and seller of Pecans in the US came to us, they were looking to move from wholesale to the retail market and wanted a new package design for their four top selling products.

Packaging Design Case Study – Back Pain Relief Product
After years of development and product development, the client knew his back support would require a package and brand look that backed his reputation and research.

Packaging Design Case Study: National Hardware Tool Brand
While Catalpha collaborates with many entrepreneurs and startups who develop and launch their brands, we also are a trusted source for many top national brands.

Packaging Design Case Study: Vape Product
When a product category heats up and you have something to sell, you have to strike while the iron is hot.

Packaging Design Case Study: Snack Food
Designing A Brand Shift For a New Market Share.

Crofton Care Branding
Branding Design Case Study: Nursing Home

Home Healthcare Case Study for Packaging Design
Catalpha created new packaging design for the product line using similar package structure.

Branding Case Study: Coopersburg Branding
In business since 1791, the Coopersburg products were undergoing a major revival.
Cobra Branding
Logo and Packaging Design for this new hardware organizing product
BVspa Branding
New Brand Created In The Beauty Product Spin Off Category
Solo Branding
Multi-level Rebranding – Good, Better, BEST!
Perform Branding
Health / Retail Drug Channel Skin Care Product Gets Facelift.
Lotsa Mozza Branding
A Restaurant Launch From The Ground Up
TheraBand Branding
Long Time Health Therapy Market Product Gets A New Look.
Ecommerce Solutions
Catalpha Advertising & Design Offers Affordable E-Commerce Solutions to Expand Sales Custom Web Sites and Catalogs Add Value to Retail […]
The Cancer Institute at St. Joseph Medical Center
Highlight the Specialty Physician Staff at the new Cancer Institute. Focused marketing campaign uses established brand look to create market […]
Victim Assistance & Sexual Assault Program
Catalpha Helps VASAP Inform the Public of the Services to Domestic Violence and Rape Victims Marketing for non profit to […]
Brand Strategy Case Study: SECU Credit Union
Catalpha Helps Revitalize Marketing Efforts Branding strategy launches new look for existing credit union. Develop a graphic look that would […]
Senior Living Healthcare Marketing
Senior Living Healthcare Marketing Rebranding for Crofton Care & Rehabilitation Center Logo, website and marketing & sales materials. Rebranding for […]
Johns Hopkins Health System Advertising Case Study
Announce Grand Opening of New Johns Hopkins Clinic in Odenton Multimedia campaign uses coordinated radio, direct amail and newsp[aper advertising […]
Catalpha Presentations Score Big
Creating Multimedia that Makes an Impression Presentations play a key role in business, whether that business is conducted in a […]
St. Joseph Medical Center Cancer Symposium Direct Mail Campaign
Direct Mail Campaign for the St. Joseph Medical Center Cancer Symposium Two part direct mail event invitation with online sign-up […]
U.S. Family Health Plan
U.S. Family Health Plan at Johns Hopkins Coordinated marketing tools throughout the year increases membership to military healthcare program. Marketing […]
Washington County Health System
Unique needs. Great results. Multimedia campaign promotes and educates urgent care center to neighboring audience. The success of Washington County […]
Smyth Jewelers Ecommerce Website
Catalpha Introduces Smyth Jewelers to a National Audience with a Complete e-Commerce Site Translating the success of print catalogs to […]
Rebranding Bombay Juice
A New Look for The Bombay Juice Line Institutional marketing for juice manufacturer identifies new products and packaging. Promoting their […]
Black & Decker In-Store Display
Increase Lowes Home Improvement Warehouse Buy In of Black & Decker Power Tools In-Store Display solution for Lowe\’s tool area. […]
Black & Decker Point Of Purchase
Brand Identity at Point of Purchase: Catalpha Helps Black & Decker Develop the Right Image Chances are you didn’t think […]
University of Maryland Medical System
A Unique Visual Identity for Each University of Maryland Medical Center Department Brand development lends consistency to multi-center medical foundation. […]
Packaging Case Study Food – Pink Chips
Catalpha’s Food Packaging Design Helps Fight Breast Cancer Catalpha was recently able to help create the package design of a […]
Didn’t find what you were looking for in our product case study list above? There’s much more of our story to tell.
If you want to learn more about our process, reach out to our team directly at 888.337.0066. There are many more brand management case studies in our portfolio. We are happy to customize a collection of branding case study examples that are sure to be relevant to your business.