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Learn ALL the tricks of SEO that get you to the top!

SEO refines your website so that search engines, like Google for instance, give your site a high score in relation to your product and market. This score is important, as it determines how close to the top your site appears in search rankings.

Catalpha’s SEO uses a combination of attack strategies, from keyword selection and density, to targeted articles and blogs, to increase search engine rankings. Because search engines use known mathematical formulas for their scores, our specialty SEO services can refine your website text to increase the score. Over time, this will move your website to front page status

I know you get the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) emails 5 times a day. “We’ll get you to the top of Google listings, Guaranteed!” I get them too. Just as many.

Do you REALLY know what SEO is? Don’t you wonder what those companies DO to get you to the top?

IF you don’t know what SEO is, how can you buy it and know you’re getting what you paid for? How do you know they don’t farm it out to a source in India? How can you expect to hire a company to do it if you don’t know what you want them to do?

SEO is basically simple… It’s about CONTENT (articles on your website) and LINKS (links to your site from other relevant sites).

CONTENT: Content is any article, video, text, information, chart, image, etc that resides on your website on any page.

Google searches this content and categorizes it in a relevant, descending order according to their algorithm you’ve heard so much about (ie: Penguin, Panda updates)

It uses spiders (computer programs) to scour the internet and harvest the words, sentences and images from all websites and categorizes those in order of most to least importance.

The more useful, relevant or popular your articles and content are on your website, the better your content will fair with Google’s display or relevancy.

SO, if you have content on your site that has been up there since you first created your site and hasn’t changed OR you haven’t added to it since, what do you expect Google to do with it? That content is so OLD and CRUSTY, Google doesn’t think much of it anymore!

That’s right, its old, Google knows its old, and that relevancy factor is falling, FALLING RIGHT OFF THE CLIFF! That’s why your site doesn’t get any leads – Google displays your site on page 20 (or worse) of results and no one ever gets past page 1, let alone page 20!

LINKS: A link is any clickable word or image from another site that navigates to another page on the internet.

Google looks at links like a Vote. Any thing that is linked to your site is one vote for your website. If your site is getting more votes than another website, then Google puts your listing above the other. With enough votes you get to the top.

Its a little more complex than that, Google applies a scale to the power of those votes. A Vote from an Education, Government or Medical site has more power than a vote from a company site. A vote from a very popular site (one that many people visit each day) has more power than a vote from a site that only gets a few visitors per day.

How do I know this? I was in the same position as you. Not getting leads and I wanted my website to work harder for me, so I didn’t have to make cold calls, so I didn’t have to go to the business mixers. So I could spend more time with my family rather than spend it trying to sell to people who weren’t looking for my services. A website’s purpose is to sell you when your customers are ready to be sold!

If you want to work with someone that is going to give you the real deal on SEO, not keep you in a need-to-know basis. Someone who’s been through this before. Spent his own money on these kind of services. I’ve done the hard work, the testing of what works best. Call us, we can work month to month and we can show you how your site is improving in the Google ranks! You’ll be educated on SEO along the way, because we know that an educated client is a good client.

Start Taking Advantage of Search Engine Optimization. Contact us for your Free SEO consultation.

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